In today’s rapidly evolving business world, continuous learning is no longer a luxury, it’s a necessity.
Training Services
In today’s rapidly evolving business world, continuous learning is no longer a luxury, it’s a necessity. At Constellation Group, we believe that empowering your workforce is the key to unlocking your organization’s full potential.
Our comprehensive training services are designed to equip your employees with the skills, knowledge, and confidence they need to thrive in their roles and contribute to your success.
Our Approach
We offer simple, practical, experiential learning, achieved in an environment of fun. The culture-building process begins with the layout of the workshop venue. The workshop area will be arranged without tables; because tables provide barriers/ self-protection. Our task includes the opening up of blind spots of participants, thus, we require willing and spontaneous interaction (that helps build trust, communication, and the free flow of ideas/ innovation). Consequently, we do our culture-building work without tables.
The intervention is in three (3) stages including a 2-day (learning by doing) workshop comprising of the following:
Leadership Training
At this stage, the focus is on clarifying the leadership vision and assessing the current situation from a 360-degree perspective. Pre-workshop questionnaires will be administered; to assess the current team dynamics and help channel the focus of the workshop to identify areas of greatest need. It will also help to take into cognizance the learning styles of the participants
a. Questionnaires/interviews with participants, the staff who report to them, and their current supervisors.
Timeline: 2 weeks before the workshop.
Pre Workshop assignment: this may include a movie, or a review of a leadership book, which participants will be required to read before the program starts and be prepared to share their insights from this and other movies/ case studies as deemed appropriate.
Pre-workshop interview of H.R. Director, to (i) clarify vision and (ii) get quantifiable current situation assessment. (iii) Review questions such as “How is synergy/teamwork measured and rewarded in performance management.”
Timeline: 1 week before the workshop
Experiential learning – focus on ‘doing’ and reflecting.
Practical – giving participants time to solve live situations faced as leaders and team players
Understanding and shaping the organizational culture
Embracing positive organizational change
Duration: 2 days
The workshop is designed to be a high-impact, highly motivational interaction from the very beginning. Establishing a “Yes we can” perspective for the conference. It will consist mainly of:
Role Play
Break-out sessions and class demonstrations
Module Presentations
Case studies and Frank discussion around real-life experiences
Group Work unearthing subliminal belief systems and their impact on organizational culture, habits, attitudes, and behavior
Audio/Visual Material
The participants will be learning new skills to help them:
Identify Unconscious biases, prejudices, and cultural stereotypes
Unlearn limiting beliefs and fears involving distractions such as ego, my department, money, and career development.
Learn helpful new habits that engender culture-building
Deep-level practices around feedback, difficult conversations, and introspection.
Building Rapport at the speed of light
Participants will be given assignments on building trust and communication.
The underlying principles to be combined into the process will include the “Johari Window” laid over “the 5 Behaviours of a Cohesive Team” and “NLP concepts of changing limiting beliefs”, the Culture Web, and Change Kalidescope.
This will be conducted 3 weeks after the training to make sure that new behaviors, leadership habits, and team culture are being entrenched in the high-performing top team.
This is the final one-on-one individual coaching session with each leader. By now, all areas stated below would have been addressed.
Culture Development
Change Management
Evaluation and Assessment
Monitoring and Feedback
Onboarding of new team members/ Recap / Cascading to next-level teams up or down.
Further questionnaires and interactions will be scheduled accordingly
Our Objectives
This culture-building intervention will significantly enhance the level of Synergy, Result Orientation, Trust, and Communication in the team. The aim of this synergy enhancement initiative is to:
Ensure that the team operates as a well-oiled cohesive team of star-quality professionals. Consistently delivering results that show that “our whole is more than the sum of our parts”.
Enhance the team’s ability to have critical/difficult conversations with one another and as a team.
Ensure that each team member understands their role, enabling members to enthusiastically collaborate directly with colleagues to get better corporate results.
Enhance the teams’ ability to take initiative in actively supporting each other: building a “Remember the Titans” type passion for the common goal.
Recognize and unlearn deep-seated Prejudices and Biases, knowing that the team can start now and develop a common language for embracing diversity, truly imbibing equality and the belief in human excellence. Knowing indeed that “Everyone is equal and Valuable in this team”.
Enhance the ability of the CEO to confidently Delegate, knowing that once the team commits to something, he can “consider it done”. Freeing him up for higher levels of responsibilities and achievement.
Provide a practical learning experience of Team Synergy – best practice, benefits, and practical application.
Increase Emotional Agility in managing and working with others.
Training equips employees with the skills and knowledge they need to perform their jobs effectively, improve productivity, and adapt to change. It also boosts morale, fosters engagement, and reduces turnover.
Yes, we can customize training programs to meet your specific needs
The duration varies depending on the program content and complexity. We offer programs ranging from a few hours to multi-day sessions.
Yes, we can offer ongoing support in various forms, such as coaching sessions, and mentoring programs.